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Falafel recipe

Written By THA on Sunday, 17 June 2012 | 00:26

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Falafel recipe

Falafel is the taste I met in Lebanon. Delicious, cheap food. They serve it in the tortilla breads with tomato, radish, lettuce and tarator sauce.

One of the best things is also that I paid less than $2. :) It was so cheap and was a great taste. Falafel is a very famous food in the Middle East.

McDonald’s has a dish called the McFalafel, but if you ever visit Lebanon, you should taste it at BARBAR, which is famous place in Beirut, open 24 hours a day and never empty.

Ingredients For Falafel

1 gl of chick peas (250 gr boiled)
1 onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic
2 table spoon finely chopped parsley
2 table spoon bulgur
1 table spoon flour
1 tea spoon cumin
1 tea spoon coriander
2 tea spoon salt
1 tea spoon red pepper

I used canned chickpeas that were already boiled, but if you are going to cook yourself, the beans have to be soaked 1 day before, while you have to boil it for around 1-1.5 hours the day after.

It was easy with canned beans. First I put onions in the blender, to which I added parsley, some chopped garlic and chickpeas. Put them together in a bowl and add the other ingredients. Just before you add the bulgur, soak it for a few minutes and then add on the mix. Knead for 5 minutes. Put the dough in the fridge for 15 minutes.

After you take the dough out and roll it all into small balls.

Heat the oil as much as possible and then fry the balls for a few minutes. They’ll be ready once they turn dark.

You can serve it warm with tarator sauce.
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