The Turkish military jet that went down off Syrian coast on June 22 was shot down by the Russians, not the Syrian military, an opposition party leader has claimed.
“There are currently two Russian war ships and a Russian frigate in Latakia harbor,” Masum Türker, leader of the Democratic Left Party (DSP) said today in an interview with TV8. “One of them, Admiral Chabanenko, has the technology to detect the slightest action in the air.”
Türker said Russian warship Admiral Chabanenko hit the Turkish jet that went down on June 22.
“The vessel that shot down our plane is Chabanenko, it is the most equipped vessel of the three,” Türker said, arguing that the foreign ministry and the foreign intelligence services have this information.
An unarmed Turkish military plane conducting a test mission was shot down by Syria on June 22. Turkey claims the plane was shot down in international airspace with a laser or heat-guided missile. Syria, however, says they shot the plane down with anti-aircraft guns as the plane flew within Syrian airspace at an altitude of 100 meters. (Hurriyet Daily News)