Charlie Hebdo, a controversial French satirical weekly newspaper known for publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, has announced plans to publish a “perfectly halal” comic series about the Prophet Muhammad’s life starting Jan. 2, 2013, daily Le Monde has reported.
The series, entitled "Muhammad's Life," will be based on Muslim commentators' texts and will reportedly neither be a caricature nor a satire.
"This is an Islamically authorized biography because it is being written by Muslim commentators. The only thing we are doing is transferring the text to images,” said the weekly's publisher, known only as Charb, adding that he did not believe most thinking Muslims would have a problem with the content.
Charb also dismissed claims that Islam banned visual representations of the Prophet. "This is just a tradition; it is absolutely not part of the Quran. If the aim is not to ridicule Muhammad, we do not see why we cannot read this book as we read the catechism stories of the life of Jesus."
Charlie Hebdo angered many Muslims in November 2011 after publishing a special issue called "Sharia Hebdo" containing caricatures of Muhammad. Arsonists attacked the weekly’s headquarters, protesters hacked the magazine’s website, while other demonstrators sent Charb death threats. (Hurriyet Daily News)